And there is something about somebody knowing everything about you that makes you aware of how much work you still have to become a better you. As though there's a string between us, one end in him, and the other end in me.' 'There is something about telling someone a secret that binds and locks you together. "I think that you're quiet enough that you can hear me." 'You never know what really lies under a look and you can't apply reason to every feeling.

Usually they don't talk too much, but they open up in each other's presence. And the story begin! They have chemistry, and they can understand each other. It's easy to identify with this character. Honestly I like Reese's character more than Brooke's. So every day she is going to the gym, and working out. Besides it, she wants to loose weight, and be fit. I like her character, because she isn't perfect, she has a problem, and she fights every day against it. But this is one day that I will never forget. She is looking after Racer, and wants to change her life. Read Remy online free by Katy Evans - Novel80 Remy Author: Katy Evans Series: Real 3 Genres: Romance, Young Adult PRESENT SEATTLE There will be hundreds of days in my life that I won’t remember. Reese is Brooke's cousin, and spend the summer with the Tate Family travelling the country.