It was nice to see the change in the twins’ relationship.

Bridgette’s part of the story was highly emotional with some parts in the story being somewhat unexpected. Nolan was refreshing, his story was funny, and held my interest. The two of them having a potential friend with benefits relationship was on the table for consideration.

Bridgette was initially skeptical about Nolan’s motives when he originally showed interest in her as a friend. She was what he needed to show his brothers he enjoyed the company of Black women. Now, let’s talk about Bridgette and Nolan together as a couple. It was the result of a conscious decision to keep his heart safe. His choice was not an excuse it wasn’t even his real preference. It was flabbergasting a bit to learn some of the reasons why he dealt with the women he chose to have in his life. There was never a certainty whether Nolan’s penchant or propensity to only date European women was a ploy for attention or was it something deeper? The way the author dealt with his issue was nicely detailed. Bridgette was the one he needed to give him the action he so vastly wasn’t aware he needed to get to the romantic relationship level. Another thing, this McClain was one of the brothers to pique my interest with his persona and delightful personality. Bridgette Turner turned his plans upside down, inside out. He was all set until he met Bridgette Turner. In true Nolan fashion, he had his life all mapped out according to his life goals. Nolan McClain was considered the smart McClain brother. The author is stalked by nameless followers.

It is rare to have a collection of books so riveting readers wait impatiently for the next installment. Readers, the world needs the McClain brothers so that they can spread their sexiness from sea to shining sea.